> 'Using MASHA+TIMEPIX setup for registration beta decay isotopes produced in heavy ion induced reactions.'
Using MASHA+TIMEPIX setup for registration beta decay isotopes produced in heavy ion induced reactions.
Scientific journal
Exotic Nuclei, 685-690
Proceedings of The International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, EXON-2014
Radon and mercury isotopes were produced in multi nucleon transfer (48Ca + 232Th) and complete fusion (48Ca + naturalNd) reactions, respectively. The isotopes with given masses were detected using two detectors: a multi-strip detector of the well-type (made in CANBERRA) and a position-sensitive quantum counting hybrid pixel detector of the TIMEPIX type. The isotopes implanted into the detectors then emit alpha- and betaparticles until reaching the long lived isotopes. The position of the isotopes, the tracks, the time and energy of beta-particles were measured and analyzed. A new software for the particle recognition and data analysis of experimental results was developed and used. It was shown that MASHA+ TIMEPIX setup is a powerful instrument for investigation of neutron-rich isotopes far from stability limits.
Cite article as:
A. Rodin, L. Krupa, S. Pospíšil, J. Klíman, . et al., "Using MASHA+TIMEPIX setup for registration beta decay isotopes produced in heavy ion induced reactions.", Exotic Nuclei, 685-690 (2015)