Výbor pro spolupráci ČR se Spojeným ústavem jaderných výzkumů Přihlášení
Experimental investigation of ligand effects on the conversion electron spectrum of the 22.5 keV M1+E2 nuclear transition in Sm-149

Inoyatov A.Kh. SÚJV
Perevoshchikov L.L. SÚJV
Kovalík Alojz, Ing. DrSc. Ústav jaderné fyziky, AV ČR, SÚJV Dubna
Dragoun Otokar, Ing. DrSc.  Ústav jaderné fyziky AC ČR
Filosofov D.V. SÚJV


European Physical Journal A, 47 (7), 84-91


The conversion electron spectrum of the 22.5 keV M1 + E2 nuclear transition in Sm-149 from the electron capture decay of Eu-149 was experimentally studied for the "Eu2O3" and "EuF3" compounds in which Eu-149 ions have the same assumed oxidation number +3. While the energies of the L, M, N, O, and P-1 conversion lines for "EuF3" were lower, on average, by 1.7(1), 2.7(2), 2.3(3), 4.1(2), and 5.7(9) eV, respectively, than those for "Eu2O3", no changes between the two ligand complexes were observed for relative intensities of the conversion lines and their natural widths within the error limits.

Příklad citace článku:
A. Inoyatov, L. Perevoshchikov, A. Kovalík, O. Dragoun, D. Filosofov, "Experimental investigation of ligand effects on the conversion electron spectrum of the 22.5 keV M1+E2 nuclear transition in Sm-149", European Physical Journal A, 47 (7), 84-91 (2011)