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Computer analysis of nuclear track emulsion exposed to thermal neutrons and Cf source

Mamatkulov K.Z. SÚJV, Dubna
Ambrožová Iva, Ing. Ph.D. Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR
Bradnová Věra, Ing.
Majling Lubomír, Ing. CSc. Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR
Ploc Ondřej, Ing. Ph.D. Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR
et al.  různé instituce


Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 675, 022012


International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA), Moscow, Russia

Application of the nuclear track emulsion technique (NTE) in radioactivity and nuclear fission studies is discussed. It is suggested to use a HSP-1000 automated microscope for searching for a collinear cluster tri-partition of heavy nuclei implanted in NTE. Calibrations of cr-particles and ion ranges in a novel NTE are carried out. Surface exposures of NTE samples to a Cf-252 source started. Planar events containing fragments and long-range cr-particles as well as fragment triples only are studied. Splittings induced by thermal neutrons are studied in boron-enriched emulsion. Use of the image recognition program "ImageJ" for obtaining characteristics of individual events and for events from the large scan area is presented.

Příklad citace článku:
K. Mamatkulov, I. Ambrožová, V. Bradnová, L. Majling, O. Ploc, . et al., "Computer analysis of nuclear track emulsion exposed to thermal neutrons and Cf source", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 675, 022012 (2016)