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Electronic properties of phosphorene and graphene nanoribbons with edge vacancies in magnetic field

Smotlacha Jan, Ing. Ph.D. Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská ČVUT, SÚJV Dubna
Pinčák R., RNDr., PhD. SÚJV, ÚEF SAV


Physics Letters A, 382 (12), 846-854


The graphene and phosphorene nanostructures have a big potential application in a large area of today's research in physics. However, their methods of synthesis still don't allow the production of perfect materials with an intact molecular structure. In this paper, the occurrence of atomic vacancies was considered in the edge structure of the zigzag phosphorene and graphene nanoribbons. For different concentrations of these edge vacancies, their influence on the metallic properties was investigated. The calculations were performed for different sizes of the unit cell. Furthermore, for a smaller size, the influence of a uniform magnetic field was added. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Příklad citace článku:
J. Smotlacha, R. Pinčák, "Electronic properties of phosphorene and graphene nanoribbons with edge vacancies in magnetic field", Physics Letters A, 382 (12), 846-854 (2018)